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upcoming removal of features is cring

for some reason they keyboard on my phone wont let me even enter my name so I cant get passed that can anyone explain how to fix this.

The voice volume control does not work for m

can you get the ending? I cant seem to progress valeries story after you catch her under your bed. I know this game isnt 100% finished so im just curious.

Really good game I enjoyed it a lot

i'm stuck it says to wait for Valerie to take action

(shower her when she passes)

Emma After she chose to go to the room, the task could not be played.


the new update Released

I can't wait... excited 


Holy Damn this is some TOP TIER Ero-Game! Definitely would love to see and get more content, maybe since the "ending" sees the end of the quarantine we could get some dating in the game with a few location to take the girls. I also think it'd be nice if the online shopping and skills could get an overhaul with more to buy and better ways to improve your skills that make sense. All in all even with there being room for improvement id solidly give this game an easy 9/10! Considering that its still a work in progress, that score could easily reach a 10 for me. 

A bit of troubleshooting recently my game has been crashing I play on Android does anyone know what I can do

Deleted 1 year ago


my saves aren't working can anyone send me a copy of there's for this version


Greatest final ever


bro got ntr'ed


Lol but he has NTR 4 others so he wins


Yup looses one gains 4

Deleted 1 year ago

It's in the title. All of the goddesses were in relationships

Help! none of my previous CWG files works, now everytime I wanto to open te .exe it prompts this error "DirectSound CreateSoundBuffer: Unsupported audio format"


cuando va a salir en español


tiene un inglés bastante fácil de entender, no creo que realmente necesite traducción, pero quizás algún día

bueno y si tienes razón

Deleted post

You did not see the 0311 ending event, did you ;-)

the apk crashes when you do it with Berry in the shower and the first time you do it with Valerie. The scene goes fun but once you unload it crashes. Everything is fine. Is there a fix?

If you find one let me know because i cant get Valerie any higher due to that error either so i cant actually access anything past level 3 or step 3 for Val

How do you skip to the end section ive already played through it before and i just want to see the end?


last public update means if you still continue the development we wont get new update for public versions ever? 😢😢


Considering the grammer errors in the game, everything is possible, but as the announcement read, future free versions will be stripped of some features, like the ingame guide and the replay function.

Sad that it ended, but happy it happened.


the update is not working for me at all

For me also isnt working, got a ''I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.'' traceback text


can you add impregnation


I want it too bro


it also doesn’t make sense. If they are obsessed with us, why wouldn’t they want to be. Also, we cum in them everytime, and not once do they take and birth control or anything 


What does not make sense is, that on every lewd game someone asks for pregnancy. ffs. You do not want pregnancy, you want belly inflation. A game that will last like 20 ingame days, a so called pregnancy will not change a single thing. The characters most likely will not even notice their period being late.

Speaking of periods, curious how none of the girls is on her period. Like, ever. You could ascribe that to the usual break from reality for porn (just like anal is always possible without preparation) ... or you could ... you know ... think about what happens irl when women are on birth control. (Hint, if they are on every day prescription, they do not have their period at all for months).

And just because we see a thing not happening or being talked about, does not mean, it does not happen. We do not see them using the toilet either. Or brushing their teeth.

Also, getting impregnated is its own fetish. You cannot infer it from being a slut,girlfriend,dominatrix or being obsessed.


You obviously don't know how birth control works, considering you think women don't have periods on birth control. Unless they skip the last week and start on a new tray of birth control, women have their period every month, because if they don't, they can end up like a friend who skipped her period/last week of BC; Radical hysterectomy and months in the hospital because their uterus had rotted from all the old, bad, blood it had been forced to retain.


You could spare yourself embarrasment, if you check your supposed knowledge before posting.

Women on  hormonal birth control do not have periods. If they use the placebo method, they have withdrawal bleeding in the placebo week. This is not regular period  gushing out after being held in for 3 weeks. There is no retention of blood that would need to go out.

To skip bleeding, one should not just use regular prescription and skip the placebo week. Consult your doctor. There are products specifically optimised for this. Resulting in a 3 month or even 12 month cycle.

But this is with pills. And taking pills is unreliable. Hormonal implants and even injections hold up for months and years.

(1 edit) (+2)

we all know why we are here playing this game,  tbh its pointless man 

For ending?


Public update?


For your next game, I hope it's still in 2D. Would you add a chubby girl(s) in the game? I love chubby women. Don't see many games with chubby or bbws in them. I know they would look amazing with your art. Loving CwG and Idk who's my favorite but it's between Valerie and Berry. Can't wait to see the ending.


say it king

What about the Wheyfu


curvy >>>> chubby


chubby woman can be curvy


but a curvy chubby will never be as good as just a curvy 


to each their own. I love chubby women and all they have to bring. They're sexy and curvy too. Fluff doesn't stop the puff from getting stuffed

The blond girlfriend was a bit chubby. But it is hard to tell, with all the mega boobs. It distorts perspective. Even the smallest boobs on the blue haired girl were bigger than her head. And that puts it above the normal scales. K cup has something like 3kg and a head about 5kg.


I have yet to see chubby women displayed correctly and hope it changes.

Just buy a Cosmopolitan or Vogue mag then. They have all the chubbies you could ever want


yeah, but you could also have them in games too which is amazing, fun and a bit realistic.

(1 edit) (+9)

This is a fun game and all, but damn berry is 100% insane. She is super toxic. She went from hot at the start to a boner killer. 

I "finished" the game. Is there no scene where they all find out about each other? Everybody knows emma took MC's virginity in my playthrough but thats about it. 


You should check out 0311 ... muahhaaha.


whats that?


version, published a few days ago.

well, what do you think now? (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆

(1 edit) (+2)

i actually really enjoy this game, i usually dont like to donate (got scammed on dead game) but i would consider this one. my only thing is, are the animations being done differently? i liked the old look better but im sure theres a reason for the change. love the game!

EDIT: glad i didnt update, someone says they removed the gallery portion unless u pay. kinda rude

(2 edits) (+7)

Created an account right by this second to 1 respect the creators and 2 possibly increase and inspire them to do more with this GREAT game. 
Played the whole game through in one night. Man.. this is a masterpiece, if the creators read this i want you to know: 

- I‘m definitely donating at least 20 bucks to this. (Never before donated to anything or anyone)  
- I hope.. I really hope you guys do more with this game, it has so much potential. 

- My personal wishes and first ideas were: 

1. a whole separate beach arc with the length same as this game? (Man this one got into my head big time by the way.)

2. A shopping episode where they‘re granted 1 day outside in the city and you can go to the karaoke with each of them, to a park, movie theatre, maybe buy some clothes and have fun in the dressing room(?)

The characters would already have obvious spots where they would chill. Blue-haired girl: most likely switching through main city area and parks,

 red-haired girl: Gym, Parks, mall

Pink haired: Erotic shops(basically the mall), hotels, hot-spots like karaoke‘s or movie theatre‘s to seduce our male based on her personality. 

Main milf: Mall(Cosplay shops, clothing shops etc.), downtown areas, hotel(?)

And a special opportunity to meet the yellow haired girl again and a chance to dive deeper into their story. Tbf this story deserves a „male doesn’t give a damn about her“ type of vibe. 

3. Their story arcs can be continued imo and there’s so much stuff to explore with each of them. Like: 

Blue-haired girl gets help with more photos around the city, pink haired mom wants to go into a hotel room with our male, do a live cam in the dressing room and all that good stuff, red haired girl obviously has tons of potential for her videos with our male lead(jogging, defense video in a park, swimming lessons, Blabla) 

The main milf wants to buy more cosplay stuff and takes the male to a cosplay shop(again a ton of opportunities and naughty stuff to explore, which i personally missed is exploring her Cosplay outfits if you know what I mean…) 

Again. This game is SO good dude. Big ups for this great work and I hope to see more content with this. The characters are just perfect and I especially loved the pink haired. 🤌🏽

(1 edit) (-1)

public release for the end of the story?

Deleted post

Steam is lame.

Deleted post

the beast is coming for you made me want to reach for an estus flask. this games fucking great but please do the shower scenes BEFORE you reach level 2 and 3 to experience every scene. cant go back unless you restart. the story is fucking awesome and all the characters are likeable even valerie. shes honestly my favorite.


good gud me like:)


I made an account just to pay respect to the creator. I really enjoyed the game and waiting for more! It has been quite some time since I played a masterpiece like this. Definitely no complaints. (Also my favorite is emma, DEFINITELY WANT MORE FROM HER!!)


Emma is 🔥waifu bro


I will be reviewing this game by section to section. For the sake of brevity and getting straight into the action ranging from Stage 0 to each respective level progression, I am skipping the prologue. I will say this much: The prologue has some pretty dated and bad dialogue. Some of it related to grammar some of it related to graphics as they are quite rough compared to what has been added since. I hope it gets revamped at some point since I feel it is pretty confusing to read but still legible for what follows. I will also be splitting up this review into parts of each reply since I imagine it would be easier to read this way. I will be doing so in order of character appearance: Berry, Sarena, Emma, and Valerie respectively. I will also be keeping separate events such as the Showers, Kitchen, and Hot tub alike. 

Stage 0 - Grind to your heart's content.

So, in the beginning you will have just about nothing. The characters are consistently in their respective parts of the morning, day, evening, and night. What one must do is simply become the sigma male you've trained yourself to be and make money by building your blog. Before doing so, make sure you talk to the girls at their respective times and locations.

Berry [Her room, Afternoon], Sarena [Balcony Morning], Emma [Afternoon Computer room], and Valerie [Evening, her room]. Talking to at least one of them is required to earn even a single $1. Talking to the others more will increase your blog's revenue with each attempt you build revenue. However, it won't progress any further until you've begun the respective quests. So, in the meantime you can build skill which you start off with a +10 in tongue.

Depending on who you go after first and if you are 100%ing this thing, $20 for Sarena's Fitness, $50 for Berrys Cosplay, and $40 for the Toolkit involving Valerie's room. The Swim Suit is completely optional at $30. Total cost of $140 for all of it. I'll go more into the hot tub in the reply.

Oh and a quick mention, the girls will visit you in the morning if your door is unlocked in the order of: Berry, Emma, Sarena, and Valerie. Locking the door will skip the girl who is supposed to appear next. At 0, they will be surprised and leave not really feeling much about it. Locking the door will prevent them from appearing and wasting time on the screen or a skip.

As far as I know, affection between the girls don't really matter when eating at the dining table. Probably something that will be addressed in a future update. They max out at 24. It is also the only option to go for aside from showering to progress time to get Emma out of the computer room.

If you were to improve your skills to 40 in each category while earning $4, you'll be up to at least $90 or a bit more if done correctly. You can afford 2 items before beginning either of the previously mentioned. Personally, I go for Sarena first since her equipment to participate is the cheapest. While waiting for your items, these are the Shower appearances for stage 0 from morning to night:

Emma, Sarena, Valerie, and Berry respectively. They will be shocked, tempted and leave.

Should note that, when ordering multiple items at once, at the front door only one appears until it is collected with the remaining ones ordered. Shame it is only one at a time when a simple graphic of 2, 3, and 4 appear. Though I suppose you wouldn't expect grinding this early for it.

Going through the Party Night, you will be introduced to dancing and choosing someone to dance with. You may choose to either: dance or progress with the quest. I highly suggest you progress with the quest otherwise you'll end up having to repeat these anyway. Doesn't matter who you pick first since things don't heat up properly until level 2 and 3 where you will have to be careful who you give your v card to.

Picking Berry and dancing leads to her knocking you down and showing her giant milkers.

Picking Valerie and dancing leads to her getting stuck and you spank her cheeks in response.

Picking Sarena and dancing leads to her letting you rest in those Tomboy breasts and abs.

Picking Emma and dancing leads to her falling and you catch her bottom.

That is the full extent of what you can do before progressing into their respective quests.

For what I can say about it at this point is that, the dialogue is a bit all over the place. From words being misused to some basic grammar that could be fixed with a patient enough editor willing to look through it. A large portion of the early sections from the prologue to I think the previous build have errors that were either ignored or left as is. Hopefully an editor patient enough to go through it can adjust it. I have sent a document personally to the dev on newgrounds through a message containing the majority of suggestions to fix the prologue's dialogue. Because it would be quite a task at this point in time to get all of it remedied. I can at least share one example of what I mean. "Your legs abandon", I am not sure what word was intended but my only guess would have to be "buckle". But that is just one out of the many that appear in the game. Not offensively bad but somewhat off from what is intended. With that, we will get started onto the first quest and what you can do at that point once each are complete. See you in about 20 minutes or a click away if this is seen from the future.

(4 edits) (+6)(-1)

Here are the level requirements to pass for the respective events:

8 Hand for Valerie, 5 Hand for Emma, 25 Tongue for Valerie and Emma, Tongue 15 for Sarena, and that is it. For Level 1 bond requirements.

If you have finished their respective quests and reached Level 1, here is what is available to you.

Additional scenes in: the morning, shower, and other daily events that you can miss if you aren't paying attention to where the girls are. Now you can participate in the Kitchen at the morning, Hot Tub in the afternoon, and Movies at night. I'll hope directly into the quick scenes that can be had at level 1 from morning until night.

Morning Wake up: Berry will give you a hand and lots of tongue. Emma gives herself a hand but quickly leaves. Sarena gives you a hand with your wood. Valerie will kinda worship your wood but feel unconfident to go any further.

Morning activities: You can give Valerie a hand and spank Sarena's butt.

Afternoon: You can surprise Valerie with a quick touch and tickle Sarena (not the worst way to go out if I'm honest). You may also spank Emma in the backyard when there. You can take a peek at Berry while she works.

Evening: You can give Sarena a hug in the living room, Berry a compliment, Valerie a SPANK, and a quick hand to Emma while she's streaming.

Night: You can Check Berry's posture and Valerie would not mind some extra cream.

Now for the daily events.

Shower: Berry will lend you a hand (Night). Emma lend's a rear view (Morning). Sarena provides some visual aid (Afternoon). And Valorie will kneel before you (Evening).

Cooking: Choosing any of the characters do not warrant any action at this point, but you will get a bit of dialogue from each that's pretty short.

Movie Night: Berry and Valerie (Horror and Erotic respectively) Picking Eroric, Valorie will give you a hand as you will her. Choosing Horror will have Berry lock you under her arms and legs. Emma and Sarena (Horror and Erotic) picking erotic will cause Sarena to sit on you, like the pony you are (which she affectionally calls you). Picking Horror causes Emma to hold your arm being nervous wanting your protection.

Hot Tub (Jacuzzi): Emma and Valerie, when picking Valerie she will simply sit atop you as will Emma if you selected her. Berry and Sarena, choosing Sarena she provides a warm intimate embrace while you bathe as much as Berry disapproves of her behavior and your choice. When choosing Berry, she will rest your head between her thighs.

Dancing: When selecting Berry, she will once again topple you, but this time she herself will grind against you leaving you hanging. When selecting Valerie, you need at least a level 10 in hand. When choosing Sarena, she will give you a boobjob. When catching Emma, you need a level 8 in hand to proceed properly.

And that is about as much you can do until you finish up the respective quests to progress onto level 2. Pretty interesting progression with a lot of it being quite straight forward if you figure out where to instigate the next step into progression. The Girls icon is quite useful in that regard. Though in an earlier version of this comment I had forgotten to visit Valerie at work twice which is why I thought it was a bug. A small screw up on my end. It has been a while since I gave the game a proper go. Onto level 2 material but do be warned, big choices are made within that one once reached.

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

There's a decent bit that's quite good to discuss and hopefully is of some help. If Eronverse is reading this, please check your newgrounds messages, I hope it can be of some help. Now onto the Level 2 contents.

Morning Wake Up: Berry will have her "breakfast" as it were. Emma is VERY close to using your wood for good, you still don't notice or wake from this. Sarena will have herself quite a meal waking you up. Valerie will take a sample of your best medicine. 

Morning: You can give Emma a spook of sorts under the table. Chatting with Berry will lead to an aggressive kiss. Valerie's got another option when approaching her. And Sarena's got a Chest Workout video, quite a handful.

Afternoon: You can tickle Sarena as she works out. Valerie is in the kitchen, you may sneak another surprise on her. Note about Valerie's scene: Ero's shirt clips into his shorts. You may also give Emma quite a surprise while she speaks to her chat. You may take a peek at Berry's work.

Evening: Talking to Sarena will lead to a hug, as well as a smooch on your neck. You may share lips with Berry as an option when talking to her at the backyard. While Valerie works out, you may surprise her. While Emma is streaming, you may sneak another surprise.

Night: Talking to Emma will lead to a creamy surprise. Sarena while in the backyard will have another option to inspect closer. Berry's scene while working out will require a tongue skill of 30.

Shower: Emma will help you clean up (Morning), Sarena will also help you clean up (Afternoon), Valerie notices you missed a spot, and Berry will join you for a shower (Her cheeks vibrate like a motorboat).

Cooking: Berry/Emma; If Berry, she will ask for breakfast having not eaten herself (even if she had already visited you earlier). If Emma, you will have "seconds" with her. Valerie/Sarena; if Sarena she will demand your food. If Valerie, you will ask for seconds...WHAT? OK. Weird glitch but for whatever reason, when choosing Valerie will reset you back to your room rather than progress the day.

Hot Tub (Jacuzzi): Berry/Sarena; If Berry, a more intimate cuddling session is had. If Sarena, she will ask for quite a bit more help for what you've done. Valerie/Emma; if Valerie, you will give her quite a mouthful. If Emma,  

Party Time: Berry will demand quite a bit out of you should you dance with her. Valerie once again stuck, you may "help" her from the front. Sarena will gobble you up as some will say. Emma's scene will require 40 Tongue skill and the most you will need as far as this update.

Movie Night: Berry/Valerie; if Horror, Berry will help "calm" you down. If Erotic, Valerie will help relieve you. Sarena/Emma; if Horror, Emma will be given an extra hand to ease her shakiness. If Erotic, Sarena will need a hand from you.

Take this last bit of information as a warning when progressing to the next level, while it doesn't have much story relevance for the moment, it will change certain pieces of dialogue when you cross the line and lose your V card. I will go into it more with the next post. For now, I have to get back to work on some stuff. I will go more into the scenes themselves after I catch up to what is fully available as of 0.3.01


This is dedicated directly toward getting to level 3 since there's quite a bit to it. Though I would like to quickly note this dialogue when talking to Valerie in bed. "You are not the useless boy I thought, or at least you changed." A simple change: "You are not the useless boy I knew, you've changed." Would probably hit harder given what she's said and done from the prologue leading to this.

Anyways, once you sleep and talk to each of the girls respectively, you will break up with Zoe through a dream of all things. Depending on how you go about this, you will have to choose between 4 of the girls.

Berry: Pick up the package and help her with it. After heading to her room, POG champ peeks in and plot. "The beast will come to you" the best way to sum up her lust toward you if I'm honest. Let the night pass and she will get you herself. I also found another error. During the time Berry has you in her grasp she talks to you about having a girlfriend. This line is brought up after mentioning "Including making you happy." Line: "Why are you talking about another girlfriend" should be said by the protagonist. So when she eventually straps you down one of 2 reactions will occur: If she is taking your V-Card she will be one happy beast of a woman. If it is anyone else she will have a different reaction.

Sarena. At night she awaits to hear the good news in the backyard. You will have to wait until you get some sleep to progress. After that, make one new video which will make you two, officially a couple of idiots. And simply wait until she calls. That is it. A "stream" will happen. If she is your first (as was my case), she will take pride in having taken your card. Now, before this happens your relationship to the other girls (If they are at level 1 or 2 for example) your thoughts will change slightly. Nothing too significant but he'll acknowledge that you haven't finished their respective quests. He will also mention those he have done with it before if she wasn't your first.

Valerie. She will be chatting with your Dad at night. After that, witness her show and after the night passes you get a call. Talk to her in the backyard and she will give you a massage after giving her a compliment. It won't happen unless it is on your terms, which apparently is to humiliate your terrible excuse of a Dad (just get the night to pass and it'll happen).

Emma. After peeking on her, she will be in Valerie's room having a chat in the evening. I have detected an error in the script. Valerie should be saying "Why not" not Emma when she asks Valerie if she's sure Ero will like her being gentle. Anyways, BACK TO THE STUFF. You continue further after sleeping and eventually you inform her what Chad had done. Once finished, she will approach you at night with a very important question: "Do you love me?". This has two responses and no real effect for thus far. You either confess your feelings toward her or you don't. This won't lock you out of any content seen after. Though there are dialogue differences when doing it (regardless of if you have already committed to someone else before). But that won't change how you interact with the rest of the girls once they're at level 3 as well.

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

It took me half an hour to figure out what was wrong with this reply... I had to delete the attached photos and re-add the text removing the greyed out spaces. What a pain. SO. Here's the contents for Level 3 Daily events for each of these girls.

Berry: She wakes you up in about as beastly as a way she would, so good apparently the MC thought he was in heaven. In the morning you can fantasize about her and she'll be quick to course correct that thought. It is a new scene for this update and probably one of the most intense looking ones from her thus far. Solid across the board. You can now help her with the photoshoot directly rather than just take a peek. While in the backyard you can directly make love no questions asked. A new scene involving her posture while working out has been added and it is quite fantastic. While there is nothing new for Movie night, the Hot Tub, or cooking, there is one for dancing with her. And her new shower scene for level 3 simply involves some rear end cleaning.

Sarena: When being woken by her, she will ride you like the wildest horse. You now have another option when talking to her on the balcony. She does have new dialogue when you talk to her at the workout room. She also has another workout exercise you may be inclined to help with. Having since broken up with her Ex and made you hers, talking to her in the living room will leave you pinned and helpless. In the backyard there is another option to go ham, though you'll be cooked pork by the time she's finished. When dancing, the suggestion to go to the backyard is made, she skips it and goes for the main course. There are no new Cooking, Hot Tub or Movie night related scenes for her either. She will also be very blunt and quick to act when showering. And just throwing this in here, there are no new reactions to her getting spanked while at the balcony. That's the last of her content until a new update comes out.

Valerie: Wherever she is, you can do the deed, fill her with seed highlighted in red. If she comes to wake you up, you're definitely going to feel it. Though she does not have any new scenes for visiting her at work, something I hope is added in the next update. However, when putting the wood in hole, she will rail against it something fierce. There is not a new scene for when you choose her for cooking and treats it like a level 2 as will spending time with her in the Hot Tub and Movie night (they haven't been made yet). Showering in the Evening before Dinner will have a new scene with her. Notably, there is no new "Talk" dialogue with her either. And dancing with her will allow you to simply, GO FOR IT. YOU CAN DO IT! (I feel like crap forgetting to add this note)

Emma: She will now wake you up like a KING. You may also give her a passionate kiss in the morning after you wake up. While showering, she will be quite curious and horny, a mutual exchange is made. She now has a new scene for the backyard. She will ride you out while streaming to her audience. Quite amusing but also very tense for what it is. Now, while she is at the computer you can let your presence be known and "help" her out. I just noticed that she has a Discord server open. After dancing with her, she wishes to take the initiative and take you for a joyride. The last new scene added involving her in the kitchen which you can approach her with your wooden spoon.

I forgot to mention it in the previous reply but, the differences Berry, Valerie, and Sarena has when you confess you already lost your v-card. They are as follows:

- Sarena)

[Berry]: "I told her to stop being so close!" "So she was talking about you not her girlfriend..." and "My own daughter was one step ahead of me!" She is quite unhappy by it. 

[Valerie]: "I thought she was a lesbian? I guess she's bisexual like me" She isn't too bothered about not being your first.

- Berry)

[Sarena]: "It's true. I guess she was faster than me." and "I will have to have a discussion with her!" she was shocked but quickly understood just how close her mother was with you.

[Valerie]: "OH SHIT" "Must have been one rough trip" She is shocked by it and understands how badly she wants it. Isn't too bothered not having taken your v-card herself.

- Emma)

[Berry]: "HER? Weren't you supposed to not stand each other?!" and "I knew she was hiding something. She is in love with you isn't she?" Berry is quite unhappy about this as she wanted dibs on your V-Card.

[Sarena]:"My sister?! I thought you had a cold relationship with her." "So she liked you in secret. I think I knew it. She focused all of her attention on you." She figured that would be the case. She expresses intent to talk with her later. Interesting note: Emma will also comment on why you are with her and you've already done the deed.

[Valerie]: "I knew she was hiding something! To think she could handle something this big by herself... impressive." She was impressed that Emma could handle your equipment. Is relatively unbothered by who took it.

- Valerie)

[Sarena]: "You're kidding right? Who is she?", "How in the world? Oh, is it some silly plan to take revenge on her? I get that but giving her your first time? I'll need to talk to her." She was caught off guard by this choice. Even curious if you liked it.

[Berry]: "AYO WTF?" "I get you wanted revenge, but you'll be punished for getting it that way. I will talk with her later." Quite intense and hilarious given just how left field it had caught Berry and Sarena. I will expand on how I feel about the game in its current state in the ratings.

And that just about covers everything that is currently available as of January 15th, 2023. I may have missed a few smaller things from going with 1 route only in each or something like that. I also learned while playing that, attempting a scene you don't have the best skill for or have a greater number than needed will increase your proficiency of that skill. So, you could if you are patent enough never spend time on the computer building that skill and gain it by doing rather than study. I will work on the review proper once I get some sleep. It has been a long day. I hope this helps.


I actually feel kinda bad for you, because nobody is taking the time to read all this.

Most people already know how the game progresses, besides.  We did not need any enlightenment.

(6 edits) (+1)(-3)

You still got berry at level two ( add 1 more sex at the bed for level 3  ) at her room and you got emma at nothing in the table except sex that what you missing at the table morning and got valerie nothing at night time oly jerking off (tell her to jerk you off) add sex at valerie at night time  and you should add sex at the juccusy all of them. what you missing in the game that in giving you some etvice what you are missing and you could continue the story ( not killed just foursome with different goddess and different styles). And make it public so we all know you update the game


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  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 390, in <module>

    $ __gl_test()

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 317, in _m1_00gltest__gl_test


  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 342, in _gl_performance_test

    ui.interact(suppress_underlay=True, suppress_overlay=True)

Exception: DirectSoundCreate8: No audio device found

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/", line 331, in bootstrap


  File "renpy/", line 662, in main


  File "renpy/", line 148, in run


  File "renpy/", line 922, in run_context

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 207, in script call

    call _gl_test

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 390, in script

    $ __gl_test()

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 207, in script call

    call _gl_test

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 390, in script

    $ __gl_test()

  File "renpy/", line 928, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "renpy/", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 390, in <module>

    $ __gl_test()

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 317, in _m1_00gltest__gl_test


  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 342, in _gl_performance_test

    ui.interact(suppress_underlay=True, suppress_overlay=True)

  File "renpy/", line 298, in interact

    rv =, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/display/", line 3286, in interact


  File "renpy/display/", line 2200, in start

  File "renpy/audio/", line 955, in init

    renpysound.init(renpy.config.sound_sample_rate, 2, bufsize, False, renpy.config.equal_mono)

  File "renpysound.pyx", line 390, in

  File "renpysound.pyx", line 98, in

Exception: DirectSoundCreate8: No audio device found



Confined with goddesses

Thu Jan 12 10:19:47 2023

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