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(1 edit) (+3)(-7)

i have a few questions to ask

1. do you plan to continue the story and be able to increase the levels with the females

2. is it possible that you could create a different version of the characters within the same events that occur currently in this story

3. if you plan to create a new story, within the same timeline but with different characters, do you plan to make then black with the possibility to make the same way but story driven


When can we expect v0.2.5.1 to come?



This game has probably my favorite nsfw art style out of all the games on this website. Can you get rid of the map and just use prompts ingame to visit the next closest room? There is a lot of back and forth with the mouse for a game that's pretty much just a visual novel. And the option to randomly experience old scenes, just with different dialogue? I enjoyed some of the earlier scenes but they were one and done and now I can only replay the most recent story beats without anything interesting happening. I think the best feature in the game are the morning and shower scenes because you get all the girls every day if you want, but even those are extremely repetitive without much surprise. They do change over time, but I would love a surprise like one girl accidently walking in while another has already invaded your privacy, or maybe them discovering you at the computer. I enjoy when the characters come and find me instead of me always looking for them. And new outfits or toys to buy would be cool. Money is pretty useless tbh.


I absolutely love it. (Spoiler) Only thing I hated was to find out Sarena was a lesbian, rest of the game was heaven itself (Not lying). Can’t wait until further updates.


What's your problem with Sarena being a lesbian?


Its disgraceful, that is it


so being gay is disgraceful, but your sitting here playing porn games, and you arent?


Am i disgracing my ancestors by playing a game? no i am not. But its a different story when it comes to being "gay"


I agree. Choosing to be attracted to the same sex is like choosing to be attracted to a minor. It's just an absolute disgrace to that person's ancestors and shouldn't even be compared to a game.




She's not a lesbian for long...



yessir, lol


She's not a Lesbian though? She's bisexual, or at least she's MCsexual with a side of lesbianism.


She wasn't lesbian mentally. If that made any sense lol.

does anyone want a completed save file from the current version? (


(+1)  The save 1-1 is the completed save

can you send it to me too?  The save 1-1 is the completed save


I like everything about this game and waiting for more updates!




Rough translation:

Emma's scenes got the worst image quality of all. Plz improve that.

Hi, I just wanted to ask if it's possible to make the game avaliable on the itch app again ?

After uninstal the game to see if i could download it again with less glitch, I was kinda sad to see that i wasn't able to download it again.

ps: this game is rely nice and i alredy put 5 star on it.

Have a nice day.

Deleted 1 year ago

Too bad having a peanut huh

Deleted post

That's a weird way to say "I love horse cock" but whatevs, Brony


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Dear director, you have the same taste as me so this every NSFW scene is totally my things, bless you

also  consider add more face f*ck to valarie would be great


can someone gib me save file? accidentally deleted games folder ;-;


Bro whens next update comin


I love the game is sarena's story really done like thats it nothing else or done like well get more story when the update comes?

Would you ever put voice acting in your game or do you think that would ruin the appeal of what you're trying to do just asking curious and would you ever make any holiday themed either events you can trigger or levels you can unlock just curious cuz I have seen your Halloween picture of your character

Thank you for making a good game I hope you're nothing but happiness bye-bye

i have a problem, throughout the game regardless of the level of volume no sound is played. i dond hear any background noise or music. i only hear the character as they speak but otherwise its dead silent


Okay the more i play this the more I love it and all the girls in the game (except zoe but that is given as she reminds me of my ex wife and why I do not date anymore ^^; )
Thank you very much for a incredible experience so far :D

Deleted 2 years ago

When will you update the next version

I got a Lenovo laptop that runs windows 11. I tried downloading the game with all 3 zip files but each time i try to run the game it dont work. Im probably a dumbass with computers but is this game compatible with windows?

(1 edit)

Dunno if you've figured it out or not, but you do want the one with pc in it, should be the bottom choice. What you are downloading is a ZIP file, you need a way to look in it or unzip it to play. Id recommend WinRar to unzip


Error when trying to download through  app any chance of an update? prefer to use the app because it keeps games updated.

Android download updated, and kept my save file. If you're on pc or another platform there should be a similar way to keep your save.


need more Emma scene 🤤 

Me too 😍

How likely is it that they implement subtitles in Spanish?

damm i hope to have more story with all of them especially sarena and berry and i hope this game will be longer then 2 hours maybe 3 or 5 

Is this new update? Anything new?

I believe Pair of Emma scenes and that takes her to Lvl2, enjoyable

changelog says Sarena lvl3 but didnt show on my current save


It's a pity. I'm going to wait until Berry gets her lvl 3 update, I always thought she was the best.

Valerie for me

please, is there a certain amount of days for me to play the mission - "go to sleep after getting a call from zoe" cus i have been stuck there for some time without any progress. please any help on this?

oh! I seen what I had to do, didn't notice that small icon before

Excellent! Better than lot of other games in the genre.

thanks,great work

Here we go boys!


im having the same problem


i require more

(1 edit) (+4)

I can't install the game, when I click install, no install options show up in the drop down. I even tried reinstalling in case something was wrong with my install. I get the error of "Cannot read property 'build' of Undefined"

Android? for pc i had no problem


No, on PC


its a zip file dude just unzip it

What are you talking about?

(1 edit) (+2)

Same here. Its been like this since the last update.

I've had a bit of trouble with Butler, I don't use it anymore, you have to download the game entirely


ok, but, i just came here to say its good and all the usual. but this crazy mads has done it, and im playing again because they actualizated.

btw, is there any options to keep my previos playtrhough?

great game, anyway

Try going to the old version's folder > game > saves, then copy the files and paste them in the saves folder of the new version

worked for me

just finished any idea when next update goes live?

(1 edit) (+2)(-4)

You should post this game to steam so I don't have to redo the whole game every time, I just want to start where I left off before a game update. Put it on steam and charge for it or something, people would buy this game. As well as adding more scenes for the characters. Like choosing who gives you a tit job or blowjob first, and in the next update, I want to be able to choose which character makes me lose my virginity in game.


You don't have to redo the whole game each time though. Many other people, including myself, have reinstalled the game throughout the updates and have been able to pick up just fine where it was left off.


cheat commands???


I'm excited for the next update, this game is one of my favourites on here.Serena is the best character by the way

Honestly, I found myself most attracted to Barry. Serena is a close second tho.

This is one of the greatest game that I ever played before, we need more updates


The MC is being all kinds of sub. don't fit me at all. but I've played worse, so I can tolerate it. provided there's a good payoff. 

GREAT GAME i just finished it, funny and amazing! can't wait for updates

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